
Elif Levin


On-site locally installed patent software or brand software is now and then not up to date

Who doesn't know them, the IP software users of locally installed IP software, who are often confronted with updates or have to be afraid to switch from one version to the other, because with each version change there are either unexpected costs or delays in software availability. Updates do not happen "silently" in the background without keeping the user from working.

A non-functioning IP management software after an update can cause you a lot of trouble nowadays, when there is no longer much tolerance for delays

Software users who use software from the cloud benefit from many advantages

These software users have not yet been able to experience how pleasant it is to work with software from the cloud that is always updated in the background without the user even noticing. This is life without obvious updates, without version changes that can be organized or paid for by the customer, and without the hidden costs of new major updates - this is the advantage of modern IP cloud applications, which are automatically made available to all users and are already included in the cloud fee.

Updates of conventional locally installed software very often lead to unforeseen waiting times or errors, which involuntarily prevent work from being carried out

Many users might even be open to parting with old applications. But sometimes it happens that people hold on to outdated software for an unnecessarily long time. And, honestly, who defines what software is or should be considered obsolete? If you'd like to read more about this, you might also be interested in this article, which highlights why it may not always make sense to stick with the same software vendor forever.

The solution: take your applications to the cloud

Cloud providers don't perform updates at your site and keep you from doing your job

No waiting time for updates

With cloud-based software, updates are performed automatically in the background without the user having to actively intervene or wait for them. This eliminates the tedious task of manually downloading and installing updates.

Seamless updates

The updates are continuous and seamless in the background, without affecting the user. This avoids the user having to interrupt their work or reconfigure the software to take advantage of the latest features or possible security patches.

No unexpected costs

With cloud software, updates are usually included in the subscription price (keyword Software as a Service). The user does not have to worry about additional costs that might be associated with each version change or upgrade. Continuous updating is part of the service offering for which the user is already paying.

Improved software availability

Continuous updates ensure that the software is always up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes. The user can benefit from improved stability and performance, as any known issues are fixed by the updates.

‍Automaticintegration of new functions

Cloud-based software allows vendors to quickly introduce new features and enhancements. These new features are automatically integrated into the software without the user having to manually update or perform additional installation steps.

Increased security and data protection

Continuous updates quickly fix security holes and vulnerabilities to protect the software from threats. Cloud software providers have usually implemented strict security measures to protect the user's data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Ease of use

Automatic updating in the background reduces the complexity for the user. No manual installation or migration is required to access the latest version of the software. The user can fully concentrate on using the software without having to worry about technical aspects.

The advantages are obvious

These benefits show how hassle-free it can be to work with cloud-based patent management software or trademark management software that is continuously updated in the background. The user can focus on their work while the software is automatically kept up to date.

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